Senin, 18 November 2019

Listening strategis For learning

Assalamu'alaikum, selamat datang kepada pengunjung Blogsopt Dunia Pendidikan. Semoga ananda dalam keadaan sehat dan selalu berusaha untuk meningkatkan Ilmu. pada kesempatan kali Blogspot Dunia Pendidikan akan memaparkan strategi dalam belajar Inggris melalui Listening. sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terus terjadi bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat untuk kita dapat meningkat potensi kualitas diri. langsung saja pelajari strategis lebih lengkap dibawah ini😊

"Listening strategies For learner"
Task of listening for general communication

Mrs. Eliza

CLASS : PBI 2 C                 


Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper assignment entitled “Listening strategis For learn”. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper.This English paper contains some example of English listening strategies that can help  to improve their listening skill.The procedures in using listening strategies is provided in this paper.

     Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English listening

A.    Issue background
Listening is very important in the language learn because this provides input for learners and it also has an unimportant role in the development made by the students (Rost, 1994).
Listening is very important for student language.listen make your better in learn language English.the listen usually used as media for speaking language and make your to improve in English.strategy listening is trick and sreet for learner English to be better and understand about the learner. Listenig is an essential part the communication process. because much of what  student know is acquired through listening,it is essential that student have opportunities to behaviors of effective listeners.listening to was the skils of the most you use in everyday life.listen to the understanding is the basis of speech,writing and your reading.To train skills listen to active,which mean actively pay attention to what you listen to.

B.     Problem identification
1.      what is the definition listening strategies?
2.      What is strategy that use?
3.      What the purpose?
C.     Benefit and purpose
by knowing the strategy can learn better and many tricks in learning his or her own in learning to listen and learning these strands will make you understand more and can master it then become more believable in learning English language and easy to find a subject matter discussed. because much of what  student know is acquired through listening,it is essential that student have opportunities to behaviors of effective listeners.listening to was the skils of the most you use in everyday life.listen to the understanding is the basis of speech,writing and your reading.

A.    Definition of listening strategies
Listening is very important in the language learn because this provides input for learners and it also has an unimportant role in the development made by the students (Rost, 1994).Listening is very important for student language.listen make your better in learn language English.the listen usually used as media for speaking language and make your to improve in English. Listening strategy is one of the most important factors that affect the process of listening comprehension and trick  for learner English to be better and understand about the learner.listening is an essential part the communication procces.because much of what  student know is acquired through listening,it is essential that student have opportunities to behaviours of effective listeners.listening to was the skils of the most you use in everyday life.listen to the understanding is the basis of speech,writing and your reading.To train skills listen to active,wich mean actively pay antention to what you listen to.
Listen strategies is an active process in which the listener builds meaning through
using contextual cues information and from existing knowledge, while relying on many strategic resources for do the job needs
B.     type Listening strategis
a.       Top Down and Bottom Up
Bottom Up Processing refers to the process of understanding information through sound analysis, meaning of words, and grammar. While Top-Underlying processing refers to the use of schemata or prior knowledge to understand the information received. Schemes related to The hearer's daily experience of the topic being heard.and then top down and bottom up also have component
1.      Pre Listening
Pre Listening activity serves as a preparation for listening.During pre listening, teachers can set goals and or preparing in advance what the material for listening, preparing linguistically or background knowledge as needed and also determine top down (from the overall meaning) or from bottom up

2.       While Listening
While listening is directly related to engagement with text, learners during the lesson doing the exercises during listening. In the Top-Down strategy, learners are directed to try determine what is important and what is not important to understand.Teachers help learners to predict and understand what is they heard.Then the teacher asks the learners to focuses the learners' attention on the very important elements of the text for overall understanding.In the application of Bottom-Up teaching strategies not only checking answers, but directing learners through the listening process,monitor difficulties in listening, and define tasks classes to engage learners to develop accuracy when listening.
3.      Post listening
Post listening in the application of Top-Down and Bottom-Up strategies is the activity of the teacher to ask questions and ask the learners to answer that question. Learners are also stimulated for talk and participate actively in the task. Other than that,teachers need to encourage learners to respond to what they are listen and open discussion forums. Thus, during the activity listening learners can get a general idea about listening delivered and some vocabulary used.As part of post-listening, teachers can ask the learners to deduce the meaning of the new word from the context that appears.This exercise is very important because it can hone the ability of learners in summing up the meaning of a new word in( a particular context
b.      Use Listening Strategies TQLR (Tune In, Question, Listen, and Review)

1.      T (Tune In). The listener must “tune in” to the speaker and the subject, mentally calling up everything the listener knows about the subject and shutting out distractions.
2.      Q (Question).The listener should have a clear purpose for listening and mentally formulate questions to help set a purpose. What will this speaker say about this topic? What do I need to listen for in this presentation?
3.      L (Listen). The listener should listen for specific information and ideas as they are presented, anticipate what the speaker will say next, jot notes,and react mentally to what is heard.
4.      R (Review).
The listener should go over what has been said, summarize, and evaluate what was heard. Main ideas and their supporting details can be noted and questions or additional ideas could be explored.

c.       Use the listening strategies ACTION
1.       A(Attend). The listener should prepare to listen by giving total attention to the speaker.
2.      C (Concentrate). The listener should concentrate on what the speaker is saying.
3.      T (Think). The listener should focus on what the speaker is saying and attempt to accurately hear what is being said.
4.      I (Interpret). The listener should distinguish among facts, inferences, and opinions as consideration is given to the explicit and implicit ideas the speaker is presenting.
5.      O (Organize). The listener should organize the information as it is received, anticipating what the speaker will say next.
6.      N (Note). The listener should list or create a concept.
C.     Problem jn the learn listening according to UR(1984)
1.      Student do not understand pronounciation English particular
2.      Student do not know how to overcome the reduncy
3.      Student do not beable to predict the language of the meaning because they are not familiar with the pattern of words
4.      Do not understand the vocabulary everyday
5.      Not be able toset the speed listening
6.      Have difficulty in understanding accent other
7.      Lesshave the ability to use basic knowledge of the environment to get a sense of listening delivered
D.    Some purpose for listening strategies
1.      gathering knowledge and information
2.      follow directions
3.      contribute to the discussion
4.      interpret and analyze information
5.      forming opinions or making judgments
6.      appreciate or enjoy
7.      can empathize
8.      clarify ideas
9.      understand ideas, feelings, and information
10.  can note the main idea / theme and identification
11.  supporting details
12.  select descriptive vocabulary
13.  determine bias, stereotypes, or propaganda.

Chapter III
a.       conclusion
From the discussion that has been written author, it can be concluded that Listening is very important for student language,if  let go ugrade and practice listening because we already know about listening strategies. Listen strategies is an active process in which the listener builds meaning through using contextual cues information and from existing knowledge, while relying on many strategic resources for do the job needs

b.      Advise
Use strategies for listening because that is important make your better of  before .
Then material about this is using with good and to be you understanding study in learn listening English

Taylor,Grant.1956.mastering American English.New jersey:McGraw-Hill Book Company,inc.
International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 2016, 11(6), 1049-1058.
International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 7, No. 2; 2017ISSN 1923-869X E-ISSN 1923-8703,Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

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