Senin, 18 November 2019

Imaginary Conditional

Assalamu'alaikum, Welcome to Dunia Pendidikan Blogspot. Today I am going to give information about Grammar. Student usually is afraid and student is not confidence when they are studying about Grammar. this moment I am going to explanation of Imaginary Conditional : Present or Unspecified Time''. lets see brother and sister..😊

“ Imaginary Conditional:Present or Unspecified  Time”

Lecturer : Ms. AgseoraEdiyen, M. Hum
Creation by :
Third Group
PBI 4 - C
1. Reni Yuhelda (2317091)
2. Dani Saputra (2317092)
3.  M. Fachrul.  (2317094)

2018 / 2019


 a  . Otherwise is a tradition that contrast reality with wishes and dreams. It means ‘’if the situation           were different ‘’or ‘’under other circumstances

b.      Imaginary conditions express ideas that the speaker or writer think are unlike, untrue, or contrary to fact. They may be wishes or dreams, or they may express advice to others.

Imaginary Conditional :Present or Unspecified Time
Implied meaning
Could ,Might, or Would is used in the main Clause, and a Subjunctive form is used in the  if  clause.

In the most cases, the Subjunctive form is the same as the simple  past tense ,but with the verb  be, were is used for all  persons in formal English.
If  Ihad more money, I could  take some trips .

IfI  were rich ,I would never  worry.

If I were you, I would  save money.

If I was you ,I would    save money.*
 I don’t have much money ,so I am not able  to take many trips .

I’m not rich ,So I worry sometimes.

My advice  to you is that you should  save money .

My advice  to you is that you  should  save money.

* This form is incorrect but is frequently used in conversation.

A.    Otherwise
Otherwise is a tradition that contrast reality with wishes and dreams. It means ‘’if the situation were different ‘’or ‘’under other circumstances.

Implied meaning
The auxiliaries could, might, and would are often used after otherwise

As with other transitions, a semicolon is used when two sentences are joined into one
I’m scared to walk alone at night, otherwise, I would go to the party.

I don’t have any money, otherwise, I might buy a car.
I am scared to walk home alone at night, so I won’t go  to the party

I don’t have any money, so I can’t buy a new car.

B.     Imaginary conditions
express ideas that the speaker or writer think are unlike, untrue, or contrary to fact. They may be wishes or dreams, or they may express advice to others.

Imaginary Conditional :Present or Unspecified Time
Implied meaning
Could ,Might, or Would is used in the main Clause, and a Subjunctive form is used in the  if  clause.

In the most cases, the Subjunctive form is the same as the simple  past tense ,but with the verb  be, were is used for all  persons in formal English.
If  Ihad more money, I could  take some trips .

IfI  were rich ,I would never  worry.

If I were you, I would  save money.

If I was you ,I would    save money.*
 I don’t have much money ,so I am not able  to take many trips .

I’m not rich ,So I worry sometimes.

My advice  to you is that you should  save money .

My advice  to you is that you  should  save money.

* This form is incorrect but is frequently used in conversation.

Example : I wish this town  were stricter  about drinking  and driving .Then  I  wouldn’t worry  so much about  driving at night.         
If this town were stricter about drinking  and  driving .I wouldn’t worry  so much about driving  at night

Analyze Text


            In a recent survey, 17 percent of the people   interviewed said that at least  one member of
                        C                     S                                              v                                  c

Their household   had been  either   a victim or witness to  a crime in the past year.
            S                          V                              O                                     C

However , if you had been  victim of a crime ,it most likely  wouldn’t  have been  a violent
                        S                      v                      c              S                              v                      C        
                                                 Present  or unspecified time

Even though a violent crime  is  there times  more likely to occur now  than  it  was  30 years ago
S                      v                                     C                                 S    V           

,today  94%  of  all  crimes  don’t involve  any threat  of violence one.
C                                 S                                  v                      o
Most  crimes  are not  sensationaltype  that  become headlinesor top  stories  on the evening 
S          v                      o                                              c

            So   what  are   your changes of being  involved in a crimes?
            Conj   QW       S                      v                                  c

If       it  were  1960  and     you  were in the united  states
Conj  s     v        c        conj   s      v                             c
Present  or unspecified time

, the changes  of your experiencing a crime   would  be low.
                                    S                                         V          C
                                                Present  or unspecified time
Today ,the odds  of experiencing  a crime  very. For  example, if you  lived  in a impoverished 
   C            S                V                     C                     C                     S       V                 C
household .
If you   were   an adult ,you  would  be likely to  be  victimized  than if  you   were   a youth.
     S       V          C          S           V                                                                S          V       C
      Present  or unspecified time

if      you used  drugs andcommitted  crimes  yourself ,you  would raise your  chances.
Conj    S       V           O                                 C                    S        V                   C
Present  or unspecified time

Interestingly, the odds of a victim     are  highest for criminals themselves.
          C                    S                         V                     C

1.      I don’t have much money this month. Otherwise, I  might buy an apple
2.      I wish that there weren’t so much crime in this neighborhood. Then i wouldn’t  feel so nervous about living
If that there weren’t so much crime in this neighborhood. I  wouldn’t  feel so nervous about living


          Geoffrey Leech & Jan Starvik,  ACommunicative Grammar of English,  Longman Group Limited, London, 1975.
Ann ,How English Works : A Grammar Handbook with Readings, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1990.

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